The dual-use technologies sector is growing in importance for security, military and civil applications, with a high potential of growth if suitable business models of innovation transfers are identified and turned into value both in defense and security enterprises and civil ones. We support with specific services these types of hybrid business models taking into consideration the following:
· Complexity and specificity of the international market in the field and the control system;
· The advantages of a national integrators directly or indirectly linked to military and defense structures;
· Inclusion of all the components of the sector, including civil or dual use, in the collective offer.
Our cluster is promoting national efforts to develop innovation and to move the Romanian economy to an economy based on innovation and also to rebuild the industrial base through a dual-use perspective involving national and international stakeholders . Therefore, the Dual Use Cluster approach is based on the triple helix innovation model (IUG) to foster economic and social development involving:
Industry: Firms that operate under this complementary system will have chances to access specialized information, better access to human resources and better support from government measurements.
University: Universities are a source of high-skilled employees, new high-end technology spin-off firms and specialized area experts for firms in the clusters
Government: Government has a role to determine the nature of economic activity, to regulate procurement policy, to define research and development direction, to provide incentive and funding for university and government research, provide innovation and training infrastructure, create internal market demand for industry’s product, sale and negotiate with international customers and fund the educational and R&D requirements of the industry. Governments in every part of the world are developing their policies to promote and support cluster development since they realized that clusters are a source of economic competitiveness.
From a dual-use point of view, this approach suggests than civilian technologies should become constant flow of innovation for the military sector.
In this context, the central objective of the sector from the perspective of the National Export Strategy is to increase the capacity to coordinate the export offer and to develop a specialized integrator that will allow effective communication with the major importers in the national systems of appearance and security of high potential countries.
Dual Use Cluster is a non-governmental, non-profit apolitical body with legal personality, aiming to develop an innovative functional network based on the MULTIPLE HELIX model to ensure the stimulation of collaboration between representatives of the economic environment, research and education, whose main and related activities will revolve around the challenge of generating and bringing to the highest level the local dual-use industry.
Creating a collaborative platform between these areas to enable the defense industry to benefit from non-military productive innovation and supply on one hand and, on the other hand, military innovation to be applicable in the civil sector, has remained undesired by the economic actors, despite its establishment as a strategic objective.
Since its inception in 2015, USH ProBusiness has developed innovative care for ecosystems including clusters and businesses in both areas. That is why we have taken the initiative of organizing seminars on the subject, inviting associative structures from both components to find the best solutions for creating this cluster.
Following the first meeting of the Dual Use Cluster in July 2019, the DUC concept has put together interested entities and experts in the sector, with the goal of trying to define the concept and vision, to debate the objectives, to harmonize the parties, to analyze the complementarity and to establish the role of each in the cluster management entity. During these meetings, the participants have been presenting concepts like: Associative experience in the dual field, Dual industry and geopolitics, Best practice examples, Clusters role and advantages, etc.
The cluster was officially established in March 2020 through a collaboration protocol and it’s open for Entrepreneurs / Managers in the defense industry, dual-use civilian entrepreneurs / managers (ITC, textiles, metal processing, agri-food, nutrition and health, etc.), cluster managers; regional development agencies and other interested parties.